Feeling Fortunate and Moving Forward

May 22, 2020

We are all experiencing a sense of shock over the state of the world. I sincerely hope this newsletter finds you and your loved ones safe and healthy.

Here at the Colorado Music Festival & Center for Musical Arts, we certainly count ourselves and our organization as fortunate to withstand the initial impact of the pandemic. However, we are saddened by the loss of the 2020 Festival season at Chautauqua, and our music students and faculty miss the musical and human exchange of Center activities. There is no shortage of difficulties and challenges facing us all, so I would like to focus on the good news (of which we have plenty) and what you can look forward to.

Our can’t-miss Virtual Festival

Music Director Peter Oundjian has been feverishly finalizing plans for a truly unique and exciting Festival. Announcements are on the horizon! Hear from Peter about the Virtual Festival >

Our phenomenal Festival musicians

Look for fascinating and interactive social media content through the lens of Viviana Cumplido Wilson (Principal Flute), Carson McTeer (Principal Tuba), and Ryan Murphy (Section Cello). Aside from being able to see their friendly faces this summer, we can look forward to a great deal of humor and conversations with Festival musicians from across North America.

New connections with our community

To combat social isolation among the most at-risk population, we have created unique programs for residents of several retirement communities spanning the region, including special concerts, music therapy sessions for Alzheimer’s patients, and educational courses such as music appreciation. Our staff is also partnering with Lafayette authorities in order to tie music into critically important activities to be housed at the Center such as blood drives, food drives, and face mask distributions. You can also look for us at the Boulder Valley Farmers Market.

New ways to share music

The Center for Musical Arts has re-launched its Invisible Audience series, which provides performing artists with paying gigs they desperately need. This series is free to attend, though your donations are welcome!

The bottom line: nothing can stop art, music, and togetherness. Yes, we are shifting the ways we connect with and serve our community, but our dedication to this important work has not changed.

Allow me to finish with a question: how can we help? Are there programs that the Colorado Music Festival & Center for Musical Arts can provide for you in these uncertain times, or lighten the lives of those around you?

Please don’t hesitate to let us know by emailing programs@comusic.org. In the meantime, know that we cannot wait to see you again.

With gratitude,

Elizabeth McGuire
Executive Director