Legacy Club – A Lasting Legacy

By including a charitable gift in your will or estate plan, you can continue to support the work of the Colorado Music Festival well into the future.


Charitable Bequests

A charitable bequest is an option for anyone who would like to support Colorado Music Festival into the future. Charitable bequests allow you to make a planned charitable gift, and you maintain the flexibility to change your mind at any time.


Legacy Club

Some donors choose to make their intentions known to the Festival, as an aid to our long-term planning and to serve as an inspiration to others to make similar commitments. Most of these “Legacy Club” members have included us in their estate planning by adding a codicil to their existing will or living trust. Alternatively, adding us as a beneficiary to your life insurance policy or IRA is another simple and low-cost way to include us in your estate. Please let us know when you have made plans for such a gift from your estate, and we will be delighted to include you as a member of the Legacy Club.


Structuring a Bequest

Your bequest can be directed in several ways:

  • An unrestricted bequest allows us to determine the wisest use for the funds at the time of receipt.
  • A restricted bequest allows you to specify how we are to use the funds.
  • An endowment bequest is invested with and becomes part of our endowment. An annual distribution is made from the Endowment each year in support of our operating budget.

Are you interested in including the Festival in your estate plans? Contact our Relationship Manager Arienne Orozco at arienne@comusic.org or 303-665-0599 x106. We can provide bequest language, federal tax ID numbers, and anything else you may need.

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